Usability messes Composition! :-)

I walk in into a five star hotel, admiring its spic and span environment, cleaned to last detail and arranged with great delicateness and care, with elements exciting all the senses!. I get a chance to appreciate space and form, light and color in its basic interaction. Needless to say, i keep missing the soul and the beauty of the spirit of a human personality, more an expression of a system soaked in capital! Materials crafted to express a visual language defined by some design system! Anyways....its neat, clean, well finished, rightly placed, nicely composed with balance and elegance.
The room looks just perfect in facilities and flavor of elements used. Then i start my work!....i rip open my tools, my laptops, my chargers, my mess!......i disturb all the composition to suit my activity! I read, i work on my computer, i use phone, i try to see the view the room looks like a different space. A used space!
Its more usable but lesser composed, organized. We compose and usage usually abruptly un-composes! And we again compose! Body moves organically against a composed environment messing it up! The way of the body does not subscribe with our imagination of a composition!
But objects and spaces can easily influence your activity! A desk prompts me to work, a seat prompted me to go and read, the bed prompts me to sleep! These objects organized and enabled my activity, also encouraged me to do my activities! Usability of an object increases if it can allow us to organize our work around it. We may mess up the composition but we will satisfy our activity!
Here objects acted as Metaphors to organize my activity. People look for metaphors (a facility to do encourage an activity of your choice) to organize yourself. Composition later prevails! if needed or to extend a value of pleasure.


Chander said…
Guruji:-)... Your writings amuses me & takes me back in time when i first learnt that having your own 'point of view' is not a sin :-)
Kiran Kulkarni said…
:-) Chander....nice one!...thanks for not taking a small expression not as a sin! mess it up with science and rationality :-)

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