How do products create intents of use and experience??

I don't know! :-)
But i know they do create.

Look at a hammer. What 'intents' does it create when a child encounters it? or For a normal guy? and for a carpenter? Hammer is not designed for children, but still they are able to hold it and bash up things around them! For a normal guy, the form to an extent may communicate the function to hit a nail or a pull a nail and the intent is created. For a carpenter, its a routine of repeated use and may be of a deep association or a memory or an attachment or even hatred sometimes.....For a normal guy it may give some initial ideas, may trigger some use and later fizzles out since he has no need of it.

Anyways...the point is, how do objects like tools create intents of use to different people?

Intents are important to accomplish purposes. What intents are triggered to an early user of a cricketing site? What other purposes does he have? How does the nature of use set into routine?


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