Nikhilji's effect

I have a wonderful collection of Nikhilji,s sitar which I have been continuously hearing from several years. Every piece is a learning experience and i felt like sharing a secret of his approach which I think makes his artistry very special. All his attempt i think is to affect the Raj he has chosen to play. In an analogical sense, its like Rag is like a big circle, he plays small circles(alankars,gat,jod or other structures) which affect the bigger circle.
This cause effect is in his conscious and beautiful spirit well tied. Rag or the bigger circle is consciously felt, understood and freely explored,aquatinted,nourished and protected. Small circles are challenges taken each time which keeps him interested and spirited. Its a bit abstract but I feel is the essence of his approach. It gives a great scope for smaller compositions through out and will benefit the artistes individual curiosity and feel and make him deeply interested and affected.


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