Be Nobel !

I felt proud when i heard the news of Dr Venky's Nobel nomination. Made me wonder how we know so much about nature and we are so insensitive about it. Last 300 years have been a journey into human's greatest spirit of inquiry, we discovered a million things and not only that we have challenged our thought to an extent that it has exhausted! In this process we have dived into the details of life, how its made etc. We are aware of its delicateness, beauty and nature more than people knew say few hundred years ago. We talk about ribosomes, chromosomes, DNA the way they behave and lot of other million names and terms making up what we called mankind's knowledge. One thing keeps me puzzled, we don't want to accept the natures delicateness, relate to it sensitively and coexist. We relate less, we are preoccupied into something else, something highly unimportant in the name of survival and fear.
I feel the focus of science or art whether its the spirit of inquiry or spirit of expression should be to know the intricacies of the nature and not just stop there but to reflect within oneself how carefully we should co exist.Nobel Laureates should tell us how sensitive one should be.

Modern man is an highly educated illiterate (brat)! I wonder how we will collectively sooth ourselves. Our spirits i feel today have no focus, we waste them and become numb and practical and continue with our biological life.
Economics is driving man's life today, at least for the older group. Its just hard for many people to leave the practicality of economics. In India we waste our time with people and survival, west wastes it time with sophisticating the knowledge and control the markets. Peoples spirits flow with these huge currents! Nature is so beautiful, delicate and simply we are failing to co exist. If at all there is god, he will loose his temper one day, i am sure about it.


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