Staying at home is counter intuitive!

A pigeon had made its great nest on one of our windows. We saw the 2 eggs getting hatched and growing from an ugly looking chick into a decent looking pigeon! Last week they learnt how to fly but used to return to the nest place. From few days from now, they are not to be seen. I believe their concept of home is vanished! They will think of home only when they decide to breed.

I think its true to us too. We do not seem to like sitting at home when not required! We do not know why we should wander either. Its interesting, we invest lot of our earnings in buying something which is counter intuitive.
The size of the city is determined by how much we can move or how easy i can breed!

Once we get a strong reason (we always want reasons don't we) to wander we may start our natural response to world.


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