Color is color

Color is color - is only a direct sense, names(blue,red,yellow),connotations (investing meanings) like black for burqah, saffron for a political party etc is only a useless exercise of adding meaning. (sky has all the colors and its just not blue, its black in early morning, with deep blue, with bright white in mornings, turning bluish by afternoon, can turn grey and dark if it rains, can turn orange, red, violet, purple in evenings and dark blues and blacks by night)
Sound is just a sound, air is just air, fire is just fire.....!
Any attempt of investing meaning whether through language, science, maths or drawing(depiction) takes the element away from its sensation. Whats interesting is though all we can remember or recollect or experience is only these active sensations. Experience is sensation remembered. In this case meaning does not make much sense only sensing makes sense.
Knowledge is also a sensation. A comprehensive feeling of an accumulated senses. Either comes by repeating or contemplating.
We spoil the activeness of experience by unnecessarily pumping meaning!
I was talking to few people after a party and I asked them what they remembered which they enjoyed.....most of the answers were like the balcony, the canopy, the wine, scents, some said music,food very few remembered the conversations!
Elements have no meaning, they are directly experiences and sensational. Meanings are unnecessary additions! they also dilute your senses and your ability to sense.

In a music program I attended again I asked what you actually remembered...some said the tar shadj, the marubihag, some tans....some tanpura..some tal....but its only some and some of whole. So if you see carefully, its the sensations which are remembered, meanings are not deeply noticed. I felt this cannot be true in a literary situation since language is filled only with meanings, even in a literary situation, people look out for stories narrating senses!

I wonder why we spend focusing education on making kids train to invest meaning (teaching language, counting and also drawing) Each time you invest one, it conflicts with senses and leads to arguments!

Sensing is also true between relationships, all you remember is the true senses between people and not a meaning like marriage or friend!

Design is design -is only sensing a creation that's all.


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