Feeling the existence

Ok this blog is serious!

This is what I felt when I went to Nehru Planetarium yesterday. The feelings are very abstract and inhuman. So beware!

I saw beautiful night sky in the middle of the afternoon in the dome theater.
I realized few gyans.
I started to strongly feel few things:

Q) Before everything what existed?
A) Space and only space and nothing else

I will spend some time in simply opening my feelings to this "space"
Space is like "nothing". Can you feel?
Absolute nothing
Its dark and everywhere
I cannot comprehend it physically. I dont know whether its in the form of box of infinite nothingness.
It is very much existent. We can see it. Its all around us. Imagine all the black space between all stars. All that is nothing but nothingness.
It is the oldest thing of existence in time. Imagine all the time you have contact with the oldest possible thing ever existed.
Its really large and incomprehensible, What I mean here is that you can sense it nicely but cannot define it nor explain it to the fullest of the knowledge whether science or philosophy. If you feel it, its a tremendous feeling.
This "nothing" is absolute.

Somewhere long ago, nobody knows how some thing amazing happened with this "nothing".
Science calls it big bang, theology says god came into this "nothing". How? No idea!
A singular element got created. An element other than this "nothing". If we examine the nature of this "nothingness" this "something" I feel is not really a part of this "nothing". It feels like a separate "existence". I strongly feel so.

But some say...."Out of nothing comes something" Which ever Rishi said that, I dont mind having a dialogue with him! Ok that is not very important. Whats really thrilling is, when this "Something" was born (Scientist call it gases, matter, theologists say life), the whole thing became a combinational experience!


Let me explain what this is. Imagine "Nothingness" as Zero. And "something" as "One".The end experience is combinational experience. Not a singular experience of "nothingness". By logic, it can be singular experiences of both "Nothingness" and also "Some thingness".It means that "Some thingness" say example the gas or a first swar of "Sa" can have a singular experience of itself..."That alone and nothing else" holds good here.
Sing "Sa" for some time alone, its a singular experience. But by strict theory, it is also a combination of million parts of "sa" in space and time. So it is a combinational experience by itself. Both are true as my argument has nothing to do with the truth of "elemental truth". In a sense singular experience is abstract in itself.
If growth is addition, then anything added to this "Something" is also a result of a combinational experience. In truth, all the things which were anything else other than "nothingness" is a combinational experience. You may call it, fusion of gases, cooling of gases, birth of solids, liquids, etc life. All this is nothing but combinational experience!


When "something" was born out of "nothing", i felt that there must be some "hidden something"which is a very important factor between the two things. That I felt was the factor of Sensitivity. When any "something" gets born, it is bound by sensitivity. You may call it gravity (thats why all galaxies are spiral and grouped together), feelings between elements, people etc. This Packet of sense factor always existed between "nothing" and something". This is responsible for all sensations. This is also responsible for "Deep Structures" between the two. When "something" comes into being it is pretty visible with all senses active and open for experience. Life is in some sense a "Sense factor". We are the most complex cold matter with sophisticated combinational experience. These senses are dynamic and ever existent. If you are more sensitive, you will see more combinational experiences.


In art, as Misha Black has mentioned, saying Art is usually Abstract( man questioning and bringing views of world in abstract way) or Humanist ( man who loves human combinational feelings and writes more and more poetry on that, he has no issues with themes like truth or space). It is very clear that artist has to deal with sensations and feelings and he will end up making a painting or a music (though both the activities originated as a humble humanistic casual behavior ). He is going to dwell upon the Sense factor which exists between people and elements of existence.

This is not a philosophy but a deep feeling.


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