My Nat Geo Expired ! and other things

Well I used it for a year.....I really dont know what was the great use of a world map on the top of a blog page but certainly it was standing like a crown! It made the composition a bit unbalanced but with very few options for composing the template, I had compromised a lousy place for the world map! I have been touring all these days and had removed my anxiety about blogging. I was away from the world of internet and far away from the latest updates of the web world. I was enjoying my new camera D40 and the pictures it captures.
The mornings are very silent and long (for me) as the monsoon covers my roof top and pours making everyleaf get its share of warm drops. The tree in front of my office took exactly three days to shed all the leaves (which started from bottom). It has flowerd the most exotic flower I have ever seen. I never wanted to see more words on this blog but language is something we have created for ourselves to reflect.

"You must not find symbols in everything you see. It makes life impossible."
-- "Salome"

Good guess! I was reading Semantics and Symbology lately! :-)
Honestly it was not so bad! Cool things for the mind. Not much for the heart though!

I am pulling out my natgeo widget.......I liked it, it stays with the owner, I hired for an year, I liked it.


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