Out of Orkut !

I opened 'orkut' main page and wondered what I wanted. Obligated scraps! I used orkut for exactly an year and half. I connected with around two hundred friends and they wrote me a thousand scraps! I hardly made any new friend! After more than a year long aquaintance, all I could experience is a sense of virtual messaging system simply an elaborate SMS! I couldnt feel a thing about a friend or know whats his life like. Whats his work like, whats his new interests are or whatever. Profiles visiting your page, you searching for old friends simply to say a "hi" and forget him all over again!, showcasing, some trying for earning a buck or a two well orkut was a boring experience.
I wondered, if I had to judge a movie, I would take fifteen minutes after simply watching a movie - to tell me how I felt about it. But an interactive platform took almost more than a year for me to experience and have a clear judgement of the idea. Somewhere, it could not connect humans to an extent it was supposed to. Virtual images, pictures, messages, names of friends, some huge number of other connected friends, the dull blue screen, abandoned communities, spam mails, virtual profiles and a messaged connection with friend just seemed too little to engage with friends. But certainly, it made me to keep opening the website and keep checking the messages out of habit.
I wondered, I neednt need messages nor message anyone! I thought that Google will do something more when I started using it but sadly it looks like a simply added service of not any significance. A forum which will not grow by people thoughts but will simply sustain because of connectivity. I dont know wether Google have any ideas on how to make it grow! for thirty year olds or for elders where we need little more than connectivity.
I decided to quit as I need no more obligated messages.
I didnt feel the end of a certain sort, an accomplished feeling, but sadly an aquainted relationship. An archive of messages simply discarding.
My first concrete observation on the failure of mere conncetivity to connect people!
To quote Gibran....
"Your friend is your needs answered"
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanks giving
And he is your boardand your fireside
For you come to him with hunger, and you seek him for peace......