Craft Education

Craft Education should be just like our traditional classical music learning.

Sa- Vertical strips
Re- Horzontal
Ga - Simple mat
Ma - Diagonal
Pa - Diagonal mat
dha - lock
ni - edge lock
sa - bowl

Kalyan that - Naga bowls
Pooriya that - Manipur weaves

In conversation with Rao.


Irfan said…
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Irfan said…
As a student of music, this small but potent post opened my mind for a very fresh perspective!

All of classical music is based on beautiful patterns...strips, cross-weaves, locks etc...and the endless permutations and combinations of these patterns is the endless part of classical music making us aware of our own limits and what all lies beyond them! "Anahad Naad Aparampaar...Saraswati Swayam Dhoondhe Aadhaar..." is a composition I had learnt in the beautiful Raag Bhimpalasi describing how Goddess Saraswati herself had to take the support of the two gourds and the adjoining piece of wood to come afloat in the limitless ocean of music.

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