
Showing posts from April, 2007

New Poster!

Pudi got an idea and there you have one more statement......way to go!

Old distortions!

Photo manipulations, 2006

Craft your Soul

Poster for you all. The above products were created in "Craft and Postmodernism" elective, 2003.

Virtual vs Real

I have often encountered this peculiar situation when the final design looks very different from what was imagined. Most of the design process is imagining a concept. Ideas in mind are sketched, drawn, detailed,prototyped, colored etc and later produced. When the concept is produced you see the real. For me at-least, the real needs a lot of work quite different from how you had imagined about the concept. Designers often live in the world of conceptions and forget to see the real, physical form. I have heard graphic designers failing badly while creating symbols, symbols start looking like something else and dangerously change meaning. Architect often dream about great spaces and end up creating clumsy corridors. One of my famous teacher architect once contemplated that the space he created was like the outer 'Prakara' of the chidambaram temple but for me it looked grossly like a simple huge space with no feeling of any sort of wall what so ever. I have seen Product Designers s...

Craft Education

Craft Education should be just like our traditional classical music learning. Sa- Vertical strips Re- Horzontal Ga - Simple mat Ma - Diagonal Pa - Diagonal mat dha - lock ni - edge lock sa - bowl Kalyan that - Naga bowls Pooriya that - Manipur weaves In conversation with Rao. :)

Interactive Radio and Moods!


Out of Orkut !

I opened 'orkut' main page and wondered what I wanted. Obligated scraps! I used orkut for exactly an year and half. I connected with around two hundred friends and they wrote me a thousand scraps! I hardly made any new friend! After more than a year long aquaintance, all I could experience is a sense of virtual messaging system simply an elaborate SMS! I couldnt feel a thing about a friend or know whats his life like. Whats his work like, whats his new interests are or whatever. Profiles visiting your page, you searching for old friends simply to say a "hi" and forget him all over again!, showcasing, some trying for earning a buck or a two well orkut was a boring experience. I wondered, if I had to judge a movie, I would take fifteen minutes after simply watching a movie - to tell me how I felt about it. But an interactive platform took almost more than a year for me to experience and have a clear judgement of the idea. Somewhere, it could not connect humans to an ext...

Plastic Art


Daily Sounds

7:00 am - Squirrels + Mynahs 8:00 am - Squirrels + Crows + Koels 9:00 am - Pigeons +Koels + Small birds 10:00 am - Cows + Ox 11:00 am - Sparrows + Koels 12:00 pm - Occasional Dogs+ Occasional Rickshaws 1:00 pm - Silence 2:00 pm - Pigeons 3:00 pm - Cat 4:00 pm - Sparrows + Small Birds 5:00 pm - Silence 6:00 pm - Dogs 7:00 pm - Owls + Crickets 8:00 pm - Ox + Cricket 9:00 pm - Silence 10:00 pm - Sleep

Google made the engine, let me make the train!

Last five days has been exhausting! I was involved in interviewing craftsmen who came from all over India to attend a Bamboo Workshop at IDC. The Bamboo Lab with collaboration with IGNOU organised a week long workshop for craftmen working with Bamboo. I got an oppertunity to introduce the participants to the world of internet. All of them were novices, some of them had hardly seen a computer. This situation is quite normal here. I used a LCD projector to show them the screens, explained the files, folders and the usage of the mouse etc. I asked them to click on the "e" button of the internet explorer and showed them various kinds of resources which is possible to get from the intenet. The participants were excited and loved the computers. Many were hesitant as they could not read English, some with the usual recluctancy to technology - "What if it spoils?" syndrome. I showed them, shops, forums, blogs, company websites related to bamboo and all were pretty thrilled....