I opened 'orkut' main page and wondered what I wanted. Obligated scraps! I used orkut for exactly an year and half. I connected with around two hundred friends and they wrote me a thousand scraps! I hardly made any new friend! After more than a year long aquaintance, all I could experience is a sense of virtual messaging system simply an elaborate SMS! I couldnt feel a thing about a friend or know whats his life like. Whats his work like, whats his new interests are or whatever. Profiles visiting your page, you searching for old friends simply to say a "hi" and forget him all over again!, showcasing, some trying for earning a buck or a two well orkut was a boring experience. I wondered, if I had to judge a movie, I would take fifteen minutes after simply watching a movie - to tell me how I felt about it. But an interactive platform took almost more than a year for me to experience and have a clear judgement of the idea. Somewhere, it could not connect humans to an ext...