Indian cricket lives on!

Watching India Srilanka match was a terrible experience not because of watching India losing but because of watching 'ad' ruled TV! I hardly remember the match as it was infested with a million ads. TV viewing itself is a fragmented experience and cricket which is obviously a great place for adds - as it is played for the whole day (no other game is played for the whole day!).The last balls of the overs were desperately cut by the unstoppable adds. I had to press the mute button almost a thousand times. The connection with the game and the score was simply lost due to the thunderstorm of ads! The whole match was a choppy experience. I hardly remember the ads either. TV is almost like any yellow pages, hardly any content, hardly any entertainment. News could be the quickest way to create some content but looks like the news channels naturally have more breaks catering to ads than any other channels. The longest no add content I have watched recently was the football worldcup - a straight fortyfive minutes. Ads have taken the place of "junk" just like the popular information junk. Nice things given in excess becomes waste! Yeah watching cricket was terrible.
I had the patience to watch till Dhoni got out and since it was an important match to stay in the world cup I was hopelessly motivated to cheer India.
After a bad defeat.......
On a early saturday morning (after a bad nights sleep), I heared loud sounds of young kids playing cricket on the streets behind my apartment- well with full enthusiasm. I overheared their comments, their agony over dhonis dismissal, the controversy of Bobs death, the match fixing scandal, problems of Indian batting line up, Mandira Bedi, etc (images created by the media).
They kept talking as a Young bowler took position and too pace while running quickly making all the teammates silent as the ball came high up the shoulder of a short batsman who managed to give a nick something like a classic late cut to run for more. Everyone now was worried on getting the batsman out teaming up more acutely. The batsman ran for his run but the ball came too quickly hitting straight at the stumps. A big appeal and a big excitement (so loud noise) so cricket!. I watched the game with no adds! Successfully.

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