The Solitary Pigeon

Many days I wake up finding pigeons on my head. I get deeply irritated and loose my cool trying to push them out from my house (given by Government). I dont know whether thay act dumb or they are really dumb. They just dont find their way out till I perform the Mahabharat act of pushing them out with anything I can lay my hands on (mostly a broom).
So everymorning before I see myself, or god, my wife or my pillow I see the pigeons. They make the most silliest sounds and act as if they care a damn about me.

I was reading "My Environment" by Purnachandra Tesjaswi (Kuvempu's son). In his beautiful book he also has similar problems but his encounters with the pigeons are more drastic. He says they like to keep the nests in safe places even near the humans as they will be protected by other predators. The logic seemed convincing but still "Why my house?".

Yesterday, as usual after a bad morning encounter with the pigeon, I made some time for myself to look out through my window which has a spectacular display of flora. I often show it off to my friends but I dont spend much time myself looking out. Sometimes I even feel like I am in a prison holding the bars( here its window bars)and the pigeons are free to fly the way they wish. My desperate idea of freedom didnt hold me for long till I saw a pair of pigeons on the black branch of the great rain tree. They sat on the branch cuddling.

One of them ( I presume male) pecked the others neck. The other pigeon didnt seem to mind. It kept pecking and the other seemed to enjoy. Suddenly the male jumped on the other and sat on its back. It was simply hilarious( as I have already asumed that nothing on this earth could be more dumber than a pigeon!) thus any antics they do simply turns out to be a laugh. I wondered why these silly birds waste their time simply climbing on each other instead of having fun jumping branches or flying in air or fly with great speeds etc. I was enjoying the rich foliage of trees and thought that if I were a bird I would have done a million things to see every corner of the forest !

Interestingly, I saw a lonely pigeon sitting on a higher branch of the same tree. I thought, Good !! pigeons are not always in pairs stupidly cuddling away to glory. I appreciated the solitary pigeon's initiative in remain alone and understand the world, its nuances, its beauty, its complexity, the spirit.....

I thought of it as a great pigeon which has gained wisdom by its experience and loneliness.

I came out of my thoughts and again looked at the lonely pigeon, It was looking at the cuddling couple putting a sad face.


Super le..... I was also annoyed by pigeons in one of my friends house, its damn irritating....
Now after seeing that lonely pigoen you have to bear with that noise....but still...."why your house ? "

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