The goal of Form is to connect to the Formless

I just don't know how to explain this. But it feels very clear to me.
I was listening to Nikhilji and as usual every note he played was touching. I wondered what makes something very touching. What is a touching experience?

When we create we often disturb the formless and make something called form. We make sounds, objects, visuals, language and lots of other synthetic stuff. Mostly what we expect from this form is some use,some pleasure and some memory or some intellectual kick. After that, the form becomes junk, a waste and is disposed.

When Nikhilji makes sounds, he is veru careful in creating it and he knows the goal is not Rag, but the connection with the formless. The idea comes from the ancient syllable "AUM". It became symbol very later and symbol is not as significant as the syllable. AUM consists of 'A'.'U' and 'ma' the three simple sounds to connect to 'Bhraman' or the formless. It is possibly the first ever symbolic connection with formless (many call is God for convenience).

Nikhilji's goal is to create a million "Aum" s each time making the listener connect with the formless creating "aha" moments. The listener is unaware of this and he is uplifted, he is touched. Touched what? Most of them say "it touched my heart, it was beautiful, thanks".
"Aum" as a visual symbol is now very insignificant. It is an uttered syllable.


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