Birds Eye View - Interaction Design

-Introduced in 1980's after the invention of Computers though the phenomena existed from the birth of life
-Creating the behavior of technical, biological, environmental and organizational systems (wiki)
-Exchange of operations between man and objects containing the computers/earlier- machines
-It does not promise happy people to people interactions fully
-A profession which grew of a need to make computers easy to use
-Operations of screens, buttons, mouse, joystick, stylus, gesture sensors, touch screens to use objects
-Creating new design using all the above to operate some needs of life
-It has nothing to do with improving the quality of interactions between people
-It only facilitates by connecting people by technology like enabling two people talk, using information of need.
-Interaction designers are fed with user research
-Bad interaction design can lead to great disasters
-It can make the use of object extremely confusing, irritating and annoying
-After many interaction designs done so far, people still find their own ways of using systems of computers which are unexpected and surprising to designers
-All interaction design aims at improving the quality of product,its use or creating a new experience of product to people
-It mostly follows a process similar to traditional product design with needful changes like (soft prototyping, system design, computing)


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