
Showing posts from November, 2011

Tool World !

 I was attempting to visualize the 'form' of our consumption! We strive to satisfy our needs, thoughts, feelings, values or desires by praying, loving, thinking, competing, fighting and making or managing tools! Our needs vary based on where we are (needs context). It depends on climate, money, attitudes and other forces. If i imagine that, i vary the places or contexts of 'needs', i get a variety of creations (tools, religion, attitudes etc). For every small mapping of creation to our needs, thoughts or feelings we have created tools most of which consume earths resources. Viral to this, every creation of a tool in turn adds to the change of the contexts of the needs. This springs out new needs! So the needs cycle may not end till it keeps inventing tools which keep changing the contexts. Its a cycle! New tools create newer contexts. Newer contexts will create newer needs, values or desires! Its ironic that in order to satisfy our needs we have created the "TO...

Ideas for a home :-)

Welcome the morning Eastern light Morning light it brings a great joy and alertness to the mind energizing the space. It is fresh  it inspires and activates the morning life, you can hear the birds and the buzz of the morning activity. It also brings the tender heat, light deep into the room spaces since the angle is acute striking your eye quite nicely. A view of the sun rise is a must for the house you are planning to build. Have ample openings towards the east (if you have the access to view sun rise). Have a terrace space, open enough for you to come out into open and enjoy the morning Sun. Touch the Green Trees and plants brings wildlife close to you which springs surprises. Its takes only one nice giant tree to attract a dozen variety of birds and smaller animals like squirrels, snakes or rodents! Watching these birds engaged in life is a great way of connection with the larger idea of life. To feel the "whole" and get humbled. Create a bay/boxed windows as near t...