
Showing posts from June, 2009

John A Bargh

I was remembering my HLL research work where we wrote "people brush in auto pilot mode" and wondered about our conscious decisions and non conscious decisions. I didn't really know the answer then. Lately learning from User Studies, I have been observing that over 80% of interaction after the initial learning happens ‘unconsciously’ or auto mode. Conscious interaction follows a formal awakening; you can see its traces only in the initial 'learning of the tool' period (newness of the object makes him* notice, pay attention, explore, discover and question the object).Later a fictious "script" also called "mental model" governs the activity and its goal is simply driving the activity towards being more efficient (like doing quickly,gaining the most etc). Works of John A. Bargh. links this phenomenon in depth. Felt like sharing. He maintains that the resulting findings "are very consistent and in harmony with evolutionary biology. And this is ...

Sindhu Writes on Typography

In the second semester of my master’s degree at the Industrial Design Center, IIT – Bombay, I took up an elective called `Advanced Typography’ because it was handled by Prof. Kirti Trivedi, one of the best design teachers in the country today. I had got introduced to Basic Typography in my first semester, where we explored the subject using English Typefaces. By definition, `Typography’ is the art and technique of selecting, arranging and modifying the form of the letter and its typeface (that refers to the style of the font) to communicate the information as well as the concept of the written word visually. Here the Type acts like an Image to give out a message. Click here for complete article